Dibalik Pembangunan JLS

teradesa.com. Persisnya lupa, tahun 2003-2004 saya mengikuti seminar di hotel Tanjung Tulungagung, tentang ekowisata. Narasumber menyampaikan pentingnya membangun jalur lintas selatan (JLS) yang menghubungkan destinasi wisata pantai, mulai dari Bali, Banyuwangi, Lumajang, Malang, Blitar, Trenggalek, Pacitan, Yogyakarta. Sehingga wisatawan lokal atau asing dapat menikmati beragam pantai. Ibaratnya sekali dayung tiga atau lebih pulau terlampaui. Setidaknya…

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tour of Jam Gadang bukittinggi

teradesa.com  Who doesn’t know the Jam Gadang Bukittinggi. This site is the main icon of Bukittinggi and West Sumatra. Apart from the unique and phenomenal shape of the building, the surrounding area is no less interesting. There is a beautiful park that surrounds the area around the building. The park functions as a green space…

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Tugu Yogyakarta, a Spot You Should Visit

teradesa.com  Tugu Yogyakarta is one of the icons of Jogja that cannot be missed. In addition to various tourist sites such as nature tourism, Jogja beaches, markets and playgrounds, Tugu Yogyakarta can also be a tourist spot. Although this Tugu Jogja spot is only a monument. Various Jogja tourist spots are also supported by various…

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Historical Tour of Gedung Sate in Bandung

teradesa.com  Gedung Sate can be one of the tourist destinations that is also a means of historical education for you and your family. The building in the Flower City has a unique characteristic, namely the ornament of 6 skewers on the central tower. No wonder this government building is called Gedung Sate. Gedung Sate Museum Gedung Sate…

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National Monument Tourism, a Recreational and Educational Place in the Center of Jakarta

teradesa.com  Jakarta is now a highlight and an increasingly attractive tourist destination for many tourists, especially those from abroad. The capital city of this country does have a lot of interesting tourist attractions that can be visited. Starting from modern tourist attractions, shopping centers to historical tourist attractions such as Monas. The iconic monument in…

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