Gedhe Kauman Mosque: A Fusion of Culture and Religiousness  The Gedhe Kauman Mosque of Yogyakarta, built by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I on 29 May 1773, is a symbol of the harmonization of the cultural side of the Kingdom of Yogyakarta which is full of historical journeys with the religiosity of its people.

Apart from being a means of worship for the king’s family and his people, the mosque, which is also known as the Great Mosque of Yogyakarta Special Region, was built as a completeness of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Islamic Kingdom.

gede kauman mosqueOverall, the arrangement and details of the Kauman Gedhe Mosque building are very characteristic of Javanese Islamic culture. This characteristic can be seen from the roof of the mosque which uses a traditional Javanese three-stacking pattern called Tajug LambingTeplok. This pattern means the three stages of achieving the perfection of human life, namely hakikat, shariat, and ma’rifat.

At the top end of the roof layer, there is a mustaka in the shape of a kluwih leaf-a type of breadfruit-meaning the privilege for individuals who have reached the perfection of life, and a gadha in the shape of the letter alif as a symbol of only one God. The combination of all these symbolizations means that people who have undergone hakikat, shariat, and ma’rifat, their lives will always be close to Allah Almighty.

The mosque, which was initiated by Sultan HB I together with Kiai Fakih Ibrahim Diponingrat as Penghulu Keraton, has undergone several developments. On 20 Syawal 1189 Hijri, a mosque porch was built which functions as a multipurpose room. In addition, on the north and south sides of the mosque courtyard, two pagongan rooms were built as a place to play gamelan every Maulid month interspersed with Islamic preaching. This activity, called sekaten, is still preserved today.

Next, on Muharram 23, 1255 H, a gate called gapuro was built. The word gapuro comes from the word ghafuro which means forgiveness of sins. Semar-shaped gate
Tinandu means that Semar – a punakawan character from Javanese puppetry – will nurture, guard, and provide an example to kings and knights.

Full of meaning, is a predicate that feels quite appropriate ordained to the Yogyakarta Palace Mosque. Meaning remains a priority in the final completion of the building, as seen in the main prayer room. This room has white natural stone walls with poles made of teak wood. The floor is made of marble imported from Italy. There are absolutely no paint strokes in this room, indicating that everyone who wants to worship must be in a holy condition.

According to experts, the columns use Javanese teak wood that is used as a whole without joints and is between 400 and 500 years old.

There are other unique things in this main prayer room. In addition to the mihrab and pulpit, there is a maxura, a small room in the front shaf which is a special place for the sultan and his family to worship.

A closer look reveals that none of the spaces and ornaments in this mosque are without meaning. The profile of a pumpkin – in Javanese called waluh – on each pillar of the fence also has the meaning of a reminder to Allah, which in Arabic is called Wallahi.

Not only does the mosque soothe the thirst for culture, but the atmosphere is also cooled by the blumbang, a pond that surrounds the serambi. This pool is flowing with clear water to clean the feet before entering the mosque.

The great philosophical meaning and long history of this mosque will make anyone who explores it feel like passing through a Javanese cultural time machine full of meaning.


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