Historical Tour of Gedung Sate in Bandung

teradesa.com  Gedung Sate can be one of the tourist destinations that is also a means of historical education for you and your family. The building in the Flower City has a unique characteristic, namely the ornament of 6 skewers on the central tower. No wonder this government building is called Gedung Sate.

Gedung Sate Museum
Gedung Sate which is the central office of the West Java Provincial Government presents its own praise. Gedung Sate Museum is a museum educational tourist spot that contains various histories about Gedung Sate. The concept of the Gedung Sate museum in Bandung has an area of about 500 m2 which was built in about 3 to 5 months. Now Gedung Sate Museum can be accessed by the general public.

The museum was built using the concept of a modern museum so that all supporting equipment has implemented the latest sophisticated technology. Gedung Sate Vector Museum consists of several rooms, namely the Architarum room, Augmented Reality, Audio Visual, Virtual Reality and others. The museum is divided into three areas, namely the Opening Area, Main Area and Playground Area.

History of Gedung Sate
Bandung is a city where there is Gedung Sate which has been established since the Dutch East Indies period which was formerly called Gouvernements Bedrijven. The laying of the first pebbles at Gedung Sate Hd was carried out by Johanna Catherina Coops who was the eldest daughter of B.

Coops, a Mayor of Bandung. A Brief History of Gedung Sate on the laying of stones marks the beginning of the construction process precisely on July 27, 1920. Approximately 4 years the sate building was built until it was successfully completed in September 1924.

The main building is Gouverments Bedrijven including offices and libraries in it. Gedung Sate The number of rounds is referred to as a beautiful monumental building with unique Indo-European architecture. Gedung Sate is a very historic Bandung tour.

Location of Gedung Sate
Gedung Sate is one of the historical relics found in the Flower City, The location of Gedung Sate is on Jalan Diponegoro Number 22, Citarum Village, Bandung Wetan District, Bandung City. Gedung Sate is located in the Bandung Wetan area, you can go through via the Purbaleunyi Toll Road.

If you are from Sumedang and surrounding areas, you will head towards the Purbaleunyi toll road then take the Pasteur toll exit. After that you continue straight up the Pasopati overpass. Shortly past this overpass you will come to the road signs to Gedung Sate. You can follow the instructions to arrive at Gedung Sate.

Sate Building Entrance Ticket Price
To enter the sate building which is a government building, you must first ask permission. After asking permission from the manager, you can get the Gedung Sate Entrance Ticket.The price of the Sate Building Entrance Ticket is Rp. 5,000 per person. With this fee you can explore every corner of this historic building.

Sate Building Operating Hours
The operational hours of Gedung Sate to be precise at the sate building museum are starting from Tuesday to Sunday at 09.30 to 16.00 WIB.

On Mondays and national holidays the museum is closed or off. While the break time is at 12.00 to 13.000 WIB.

There are several hotels near Gedung Sate that can be your choice for an overnight stay in this Flower City. Hotel prices around Gedung Sate are quite affordable so it won’t dry your pocket.

Function of Gedung Sate
History of Gedung Sate has been known since 1980 as the Governor’s Office. So that the function of the building as the center of the West Java provincial government event. Inside the building there are several rooms in the geung used for the workspace of the governor, deputy governor, regional secretary, assistant, bureau and many more.

The main function of Gedung Sate is as the central government office of the governor of West Java. Although in its development, Gedung Sate has become one of the popular tourist sites in Bandung.

The government office as well as this tourist spot is crowded with tourists when the weekend concludes.

The Gedung Sate Square in Bandung functions as a Gasebu SunMor Activity location or a surprise market during the weekend. Many local and out of town people often visit it. Many Bandung people use this place to relax, exercise or something else.

Fun Activities at Gedung Sate
One of the activities you can do is visit the Gedung Sate museum. This museum is located in the basement of the right wing at the back of Gedung Sate.

Tourists will have no trouble finding the museum because there are several markers or directions to get to the museum. Tourists can also move towards the roof of the building which is the tallest part of Gedung Sate.

The location of the roof is right in the middle of the building where tourists can see the monument to the struggle of the people of West Java. If you feel hungry, you can at the same time have a culinary tour around Gedung Sate.

Tourists can also take pictures in the building with Dutch East Indies accents. It is incomplete if you visit this place but don’t take a little time to take pictures. In addition, you can also exercise in Gasibu or enjoy Bandung Entertainment Recreation Around Gedung Sate.

Gedung Sate can be the right choice for your trip with family on the weekend. This educational tour will provide a lot of knowledge related to the history of the establishment of Gedung Sate. The park near Gedung Sate is also a comfortable place to relax.

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